- All right!
- Ладно! Хорошо! Согласен! Идёт!
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
all right — W2S1 adj, adv, interjection [not before noun] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(good)¦ 2¦(no problems)¦ 3 do all right (for yourself/herself etc) 4¦(suitable)¦ 5 it s all right 6 it s/that s all right 7¦(permission)¦ 8¦(agreement)¦ 9¦(understanding)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
all right — all right1 adjective, adverb MAINLY SPOKEN *** ▸ 1 fairly/very good ▸ 2 going well ▸ 3 for permission ▸ 4 not hurt/sick ▸ 5 for making someone less upset ▸ 6 for admitting something ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) satisfactory or fairly pleasant, but not… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
all right — all right′ adv. 1) yes; very well: All right, I ll go with you[/ex] 2) (used as an interrogative) do you agree?: We ll meet tomorrow, all right?[/ex] 3) satisfactorily; acceptably: Her work is coming along all right[/ex] 4) without fail;… … From formal English to slang
all right — is still the preferred way of writing this common expression. The alternative form alright, despite its much higher frequency, is not fully accepted, although there are various arguments in its favour, especially: (1) the need to distinguish it… … Modern English usage
all right — [adj1] satisfactory acceptable, adequate, appropriate, average, decent, fair, fit, fitting, good, hunky dory*, okay, okey dokey*, passable, proper, satisfying, standard, sufficient, swell*, tolerable, unexceptional, unobjectionable; concepts… … New thesaurus
all right — pred. adj. 1. satisfactory; better than average; as, everything is all right. Syn: all right(predicate), ok, o.k., okay. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
all-right — adj. prenom. 1. satisfactory; better than average. an all right movie Syn: all right(predicate), ok, o.k., okay [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
all right — [ ɔː l raɪt, englisch], richtig!, alles in Ordnung! * * * all right [ ɔ:l raɪt; engl. = alles richtig]: richtig!, in Ordnung!, einverstanden! … Universal-Lexikon
all right — loc.avv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} va bene, d accordo Sinonimi: ok, okay. {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1905. ETIMO: comp. di all tutto e right diritto, giusto … Dizionario italiano
all-right — all′ right adj. cvb inf very good; excellent: an all right guy[/ex] • Etymology: 1815–25 … From formal English to slang
all right — ubøj. adj. (okay) … Dansk ordbog